Clallam Ready (CR) and Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)



Clallam Ready (CR)


Clallam Ready (CR) is a program that helps groups of neighbors gain the knowledge and skills needed to respond to disasters, at the local level, and then organize to readily respond during a catastrophic occurrence. It teaches you what to do, and how to do it, during the hours or days before responders or outside help reaches you and your neighbors.

Many of Emerald Highlands eight Clallam Ready (EH CR) areas have two Coordinators, distinguishable by their blue EH CR protective helmets and two-way radios.

For questions or more information on Emerald Highlands Clallam Ready (EH CR), contact Abby Gonzales or Cindy Peters . Both ladies are Emerald Highlands Clallam Ready Lead Coordinators.


Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) here in Emerald Highlands trains regularly here and at other locations under the direction of Clallam County's Fire District 3.


Emerald Highlands CERT is always recruiting. Questions? Email them to the Team Captain at EHCERT@wavecable.com


How CR Helps CERT


When a major disaster such as a earthquake and tsunami occurs, a day clock begins. CERT team members will first care for their own households and families and will then mobilize with their respective teams to
begin canvasing the homes within their team boundaries.


When a CERT team or squad arrives in an organized CR neighborhood, they
will find that the CR teams have already done a preliminary reconnaissance and determined which homes need CERT assistance.Once CERT teams have completed their missions, they may be redeployed to assist nearby areas with critical needs or they may return to their homes
and assist their neighborhoods.


For the quarterly CERT Newsletter and other emergency preparedness information, at ccfd3.org see Community Outreach for the CERT Program links.